Studienliteratur zu den Ewing-Sarkomen

Zuletzt geändert: 15.11.2023

Studienliteratur Ewing-Sarkom


  1. Koch R, Haveman L, Ladenstein R, Brichard B, Jürgens H, Cyprová S, van den Berg H, Hassenpflug W, Raciborska A, Ek T, Baumhoer D, Egerer G, Kager L, Renard M, Hauser P, Burdach S, Bovee JVMG, Hong AM, Reichardt P, Kruseova J, Streitbürger A, Kühne T, Kessler T, Bernkopf M, Butterfaß-Bahloul T, Dhooge C, Bauer S, Kiss J, Paulussen M, Bonar F, Ranft A, Timmermann B, Rascon J, Vieth V, Kanerva J, Faldum A, Hartmann W, Hjorth L, Bhadri VA, Metzler M, Gelderblom H, Dirksen U: Zoledronic acid add-on therapy for standard-risk Ewing sarcoma patients in the Ewing 2008R1 trial. Clinical cancer research 2023, [PMID: 37843857] KOC2023
  2. Heesen P, Ranft A, Bhadri V, Brichard B, Collaud S, Cyprova S, Eich H, Ek T, Gelderblom H, Hardes J, Haveman L, Jabar S, Hartmann W, Andreou D, Hauser P, Kersting J, Jürgens H, Kanerva J, Kühne T, Raciborska A, Rascon J, Streitbürger A, Timmermann B, Uhlenbruch Y, Dirksen U: Association between local treatment modalities and event-free survival, overall survival, and local recurrence in patients with localised Ewing Sarcoma. Report from the Ewing 2008 trial. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 2023, 192: 113260 [PMID: 37595489] HEE2023
  3. Kersting J, Ranft A, Bhadri V, Brichard B, Collaud S, Cyprová S, Eich H, Ek T, Gelderblom H, Hardes J, Haveman L, Hartmann W, Hauser P, Heesen P, Jürgens H, Kanerva J, Kühne T, Raciborska A, Rascon J, Rechl V, Streitbürger A, Timmermann B, Uhlenbruch Y, Dirksen U: Effect of Radiotherapy Dose on Outcome in Nonmetastatic Ewing Sarcoma. Advances in radiation oncology 2023, 8: 101269 [PMID: 37334316] KER2023
  4. Zöllner SK, Kauertz KL, Kaiser I, Kerkhoff M, Schaefer C, Tassius M, Jabar S, Jürgens H, Ladenstein R, Kühne T, Haveman LM, Paulussen M, Ranft A, Dirksen U: Ewing Sarcoma as Secondary Malignant Neoplasm-Epidemiological and Clinical Analysis of an International Trial Registry. Cancers 2022, 14 [PMID: 36497417] ZOE2022
  5. Kaiser I, Kauertz K, Zöllner SK, Hartmann W, Langer T, Jürgens H, Ranft A, Dirksen U: Secondary Malignancies after Ewing Sarcoma-Epidemiological and Clinical Analysis of an International Trial Registry. Cancers 2022, 14 [PMID: 36497401] KAI2022
  6. Cidre-Aranaz F, Li J, Hölting TLB, Orth MF, Imle R, Kutschmann S, Ammirati G, Ceranski K, Carreño-Gonzalez MJ, Kasan M, Marchetto A, Funk CM, Bestvater F, Bersini S, Arrigoni C, Moretti M, Thiel U, Baumhoer D, Sahm F, Pfister SM, Hartmann W, Dirksen U, Romero-Pérez L, Banito A, Ohmura S, Musa J, Kirchner T, Knott MML, Grünewald TGP: Integrative gene network and functional analyses identify a prognostically relevant key regulator of metastasis in Ewing sarcoma. Molecular cancer 2022, 21: 1 [PMID: 34980141] CID2022
  7. Kube SJ, Blattmann C, Bielack SS, Kager L, Kaatsch P, Kühne T, Sorg B, Kevric M, Jabar S, Hallmen E, Sparber-Sauer M, Klingebiel T, Koscielniak E, Dirksen U, Hecker-Nolting S, Gerß JWO: Secondary malignant neoplasms after bone and soft tissue sarcomas in children, adolescents, and young adults. Cancer 2022, 128: 1787 [PMID: 35195899] KUB2022
  8. Worawongsakul R, Steinmeier T, Lin YL, Bauer S, Hardes J, Hecker-Nolting S, Dirksen U, Timmermann B: Proton Therapy for Primary Bone Malignancy of the Pelvic and Lumbar Region - Data From the Prospective Registries ProReg and KiProReg. Frontiers in oncology 2022, 12: 805051 [PMID: 35251976] WOR2022
  9. Chodyla M, Barbato F, Dirksen U, Kirchner J, Schaarschmidt BM, Schweiger B, Forsting M, Herrmann K, Umutlu L, Grueneisen J: Utility of Integrated PET/MRI for the Primary Diagnostic Work-Up of Patients with Ewing Sarcoma: Preliminary Results. Diagnostics 2022, 12 [PMID: 36291967] CHO2022
  10. Stork T, Boemans R, Hardes J, Streitbürger A, Dirksen U, Pöttgen C, Schildhaus HU, Bauer S, Collaud S, Aigner C: Number of metastases and their response to chemotherapy impact survival of patients with isolated lung metastases from bone-derived sarcoma. BMC cancer 2021, 21: 375 [PMID: 33827467] STO2021a
  11. Haveman LM, van Ewijk R, van Dalen EC, Breunis WB, Kremer LC, van den Berg H, Dirksen U, Merks JH: High-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous haematopoietic cell transplantation for children, adolescents, and young adults with primary metastatic Ewing sarcoma. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2021, 9:CD011405 [PMID: 34472082] HAV2021
  12. Ohmura S, Marchetto A, Orth MF, Li J, Jabar S, Ranft A, Vinca E, Ceranski K, Carreño-Gonzalez MJ, Romero-Pérez L, Wehweck FS, Musa J, Bestvater F, Knott MML, Hölting TLB, Hartmann W, Dirksen U, Kirchner T, Cidre-Aranaz F, Grünewald TGP: Translational evidence for RRM2 as a prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target in Ewing sarcoma. Molecular cancer 2021, 20: 97 [PMID: 34315482] OHM2021
  13. Krumbholz M, Eiblwieser J, Ranft A, Zierk J, Schmidkonz C, Stütz AM, Peneder P, Tomazou EM, Agaimy A, Bäuerle T, Hartmann W, Dirksen U, Metzler M: Quantification of Translocation-Specific ctDNA Provides an Integrating Parameter for Early Assessment of Treatment Response and Risk Stratification in Ewing Sarcoma. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 2021, 27: 5922 [PMID: 34426444] KRU2021
  14. Zöllner SK, Amatruda JF, Bauer S, Collaud S, de Álava E, DuBois SG, Hardes J, Hartmann W, Kovar H, Metzler M, Shulman DS, Streitbürger A, Timmermann B, Toretsky JA, Uhlenbruch Y, Vieth V, Grünewald TGP, Dirksen U: Ewing Sarcoma-Diagnosis, Treatment, Clinical Challenges and Future Perspectives. Journal of clinical medicine 2021 Apr 14; 10 [PMID: 33919988] ZOE2021
  15. Haveman LM, van Ewijk R, van Dalen EC, Breunis WB, Kremer LC, van den Berg H, Dirksen U, Merks JH: High-dose chemotherapy followed by autologous haematopoietic cell transplantation for children, adolescents, and young adults with primary metastatic Ewing sarcoma. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews 2021 Sep 2; 9:CD011405 [PMID: 34472082] HAV2021
  16. Heinemann M, Hoffmann C, Hardes J, Guder W, Streitbürger A, Götte M, Welz TL, Jürgens H, Ranft A, Vieth V, Weckesser M, Schäfers M, Stegger L, Dirksen U: Pain in survivors of Ewing sarcoma: Prevalence, associated factors and prediction of recurrence. Pediatric blood & cancer 2021, 68:e28801 [PMID: 33179838] HEI2021
  17. Thiel U, Schober SJ, Ranft A, Gassmann H, Jabar S, Gall K, von Lüttichau I, Wawer A, Koscielniak E, Diaz MA, Ussowicz M, Kazantsev I, Afanasyev B, Merker M, Klingebiel T, Prete A, Gruhn B, Bader P, Jürgens H, Dirksen U, Handgretinger R, Burdach S, Lang P: No difference in survival after HLA mismatched versus HLA matched allogeneic stem cell transplantation in Ewing sarcoma patients with advanced disease. Bone marrow transplantation 2021, 56: 1550 [PMID: 33514918] THI2021
  18. Ludwig JA, Meyers PA, Dirksen U: Ewing's Sarcoma. The New England journal of medicine 2021, 384: 1476 [PMID: 33852792] LUD2021
  19. Zöllner SK, Amatruda JF, Bauer S, Collaud S, de Álava E, DuBois SG, Hardes J, Hartmann W, Kovar H, Metzler M, Shulman DS, Streitbürger A, Timmermann B, Toretsky JA, Uhlenbruch Y, Vieth V, Grünewald TGP, Dirksen U: Ewing Sarcoma-Diagnosis, Treatment, Clinical Challenges and Future Perspectives. Journal of clinical medicine 2021, 10 [PMID: 33919988] DIR2021
  20. Koscielniak E, Sparber-Sauer M, Scheer M, Vokuhl C, Kazanowska B, Ladenstein R, Niggli F, Ljungman G, Paulussen M, Bielack SS, Seitz G, Fuchs J, Hallmen E, Klingebiel T, On Behalf Of The Cws Study Group: Extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma in children, adolescents, and young adults. An analysis of three prospective studies of the Cooperative Weichteilsarkomstudiengruppe (CWS). Pediatric blood & cancer 2021,e29145 [PMID: 34089219] KOS2021
  21. Dirksen U, Koch R, Bhadri V, Brichard B et al.: Efficacy of maintenance therapy with zoledronic acid in patients with localized Ewing sarcoma: Report from the international Ewing 2008 trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology 38: 11523 [DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2020.38.15_suppl.11523] DIR2020a
  22. Dirksen U, Bhadri V, Brichard B et al.: Efficacy of add-on treosulfan and melphalan high-dose therapy in patients with high-risk metastatic Ewing sarcoma: Report from the International Ewing 2008R3 trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology 38: 11501 [DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2020.38.15_suppl.11501] DIR2020
  23. Hanitsch L, Baumann U, Boztug K, Burkhard-Meier U, Fasshauer M, Habermehl P, Hauck F, Klock G, Liese J, Meyer O, Müller R, Pachlopnik-Schmid J, Pfeiffer-Kascha D, Warnatz K, Wehr C, Wittke K, Niehues T, von Bernuth H: Treatment and management of primary antibody deficiency: German interdisciplinary evidence-based consensus guideline. European journal of immunology 2020, 50: 1432 [PMID: 32845010] HAN2020
  24. Lin SH, Sampson JN, Grünewald TGP, Surdez D, Reynaud S, Mirabeau O, Karlins E, Rubio RA, Zaidi S, Grossetête-Lalami S, Ballet S, Lapouble E, Laurence V, Michon J, Pierron G, Kovar H, Kontny U, González-Neira A, Alonso J, Patino-Garcia A, Corradini N, Bérard PM, Miller J, Freedman ND, Rothman N, Carter BD, Dagnall CL, Burdett L, Jones K, Manning M, Wyatt K, Zhou W, Yeager M, Cox DG, Hoover RN, Khan J, Armstrong GT, Leisenring WM, Bhatia S, Robison LL, Kulozik AE, Kriebel J, Meitinger T, Metzler M, Krumbholz M, Hartmann W, Strauch K, Kirchner T, Dirksen U, Mirabello L, Tucker MA, Tirode F, Morton LM, Chanock SJ, Delattre O, Machiela MJ: Low-frequency variation near common germline susceptibility loci are associated with risk of Ewing sarcoma. PloS one 2020, 15:e0237792 [PMID: 32881892] LIN2020
  25. Liu C, Rueten-Budde AJ, Ranft A, Dirksen U, Gelderblom H, Fiocco M: Dynamic prediction of overall survival: a retrospective analysis on 979 patients with Ewing sarcoma from the German registry. BMJ open 2020, 10:e036376 [PMID: 33046463] LIU2020
  26. Guder WK, Hardes J, Nottrott M, Steffen AJ, Dirksen U, Streitbürger A: Pelvic Ewing sarcoma: a retrospective outcome analysis of 104 patients who underwent pelvic tumor resection at a single supra-regional center. Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research 2020, 15: 534 [PMID: 33198775] GUD2020
  27. Gerrand C, Bate J, Seddon B, Dirksen U, Randall RL, van de Sande M, O'Donnell P, Tuckett J, Peake D, Jeys L, Saifuddin A, Grainger M, Whelan J: Seeking international consensus on approaches to primary tumour treatment in Ewing sarcoma. Clinical sarcoma research 2020, 10: 21 [PMID: 33292535] GER2020
  28. Bosma SE, Lancia C, Rueten-Budde AJ, Ranft A, Gelderblom H, Fiocco M, van de Sande MAJ, Dijkstra PDS, Dirksen U: Easy-to-use clinical tool for survival estimation in Ewing sarcoma at diagnosis and after surgery. Scientific reports 2019 Jul 29; 9: 11000 [PMID: 31358784] BOS2019a
  29. Bosma SE, Rueten-Budde AJ, Lancia C, Ranft A, Dirksen U, Krol AD, Gelderblom H, van de Sande MAJ, Dijkstra PDS, Fiocco M: Individual risk evaluation for local recurrence and distant metastasis in Ewing sarcoma: A multistate model: A multistate model for Ewing sarcoma. Pediatric blood & cancer 2019, 66:e27943 [PMID: 31389188] BOS2019
  30. Bauer S, Dirksen U, Schildhaus HU: [Systemic therapy of sarcomas : New biomarkers and therapeutic strategies]. Der Pathologe 2019, 40: 436 [PMID: 31243550] BAU2019
  31. Andreou D, Ranft A, Gosheger G, Timmermann B, Ladenstein R, Hartmann W, Bauer S, Baumhoer D, van den Berg H, Dijkstra PDS, Dürr HR, Gelderblom H, Hardes J, Hjorth L, Kreyer J, Kruseova J, Leithner A, Scobioala S, Streitbürger A, Tunn PU, Wardelmann E, Windhager R, Jürgens H, Dirksen U, GPOH-Euro-EWING99 consortium: Which Factors Are Associated with Local Control and Survival of Patients with Localized Pelvic Ewing's Sarcoma? A Retrospective Analysis of Data from the Euro-EWING99 Trial. Clinical orthopaedics and related research 2020, 478: 290 [PMID: 31580267] AND2019
  32. Dirksen U, Brennan B, Le Deley MC, Cozic N, van den Berg H, Bhadri V, Brichard B, Claude L, Craft A, Amler S, Gaspar N, Gelderblom H, Goldsby R, Gorlick R, Grier HE, Guinbretiere JM, Hauser P, Hjorth L, Janeway K, Jürgens H, Judson I, Krailo M, Kruseova J, Kuehne T, Ladenstein R, Lervat C, Lessnick SL, Lewis I, Linassier C, Marec-Berard P, Marina N, Morland B, Pacquement H, Paulussen M, Randall RL, Ranft A, Le Teuff G, Wheatley K, Whelan J, Womer R, Oberlin O, Hawkins DS, Euro-EWING 99 and Ewing 2008 Investigators: High-Dose Chemotherapy Compared With Standard Chemotherapy and Lung Radiation in Ewing Sarcoma With Pulmonary Metastases: Results of the European Ewing Tumour Working Initiative of National Groups, 99 Trial and EWING 2008. Journal of clinical oncology 2019,JCO1900915 [PMID: 31553693] DIR2019
  33. Whelan J, Le Deley MC, Dirksen U, Le Teuff G, Brennan B, Gaspar N, Hawkins DS, Amler S, Bauer S, Bielack S, Blay JY, Burdach S, Castex MP, Dilloo D, Eggert A, Gelderblom H, Gentet JC, Hartmann W, Hassenpflug WA, Hjorth L, Jimenez M, Klingebiel T, Kontny U, Kruseova J, Ladenstein R, Laurence V, Lervat C, Marec-Berard P, Marreaud S, Michon J, Morland B, Paulussen M, Ranft A, Reichardt P, van den Berg H, Wheatley K, Judson I, Lewis I, Craft A, Jürgens H, Oberlin O, Euro-EWING99 and EWING-2008 Investigators: High-Dose Chemotherapy and Blood Autologous Stem-Cell Rescue Compared With Standard Chemotherapy in Localized High-Risk Ewing Sarcoma: Results of Euro-E. W.I. N.G. 99 and Ewing-2008. J Clin Oncol 2018 [PMID: 30188789] WHE2018a
  34. Scobioala S, Ranft A, Wolters H, Jabar S, Paulussen M, Timmermann B, Jürgens H, Hassenpflug W, Klingebiel T, Elsayad K, Eich HT, Dirksen U: Impact of Whole Lung Irradiation on Survival Outcome in Patients With Lung Relapsed Ewing Sarcoma. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 2018 Nov 1; 102: 584 [PMID: 30244879] SCO2018
  35. Pappo AS, Dirksen U: Rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing Sarcoma, and Other Round Cell Sarcomas. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2018 Jan 10; 36: 168 [PMID: 29220292] PAP2018
  36. Kreyer J, Ranft A, Timmermann B, Jürgens H, Jung S, Wiebe K, Boelling T, Schuck A, Vieth V, Streitbuerger A, Hardes J, Heinemann M, Dirksen U: Impact of the Interdisciplinary Tumor Board of the Cooperative Ewing Sarcoma Study Group on local therapy and overall survival of Ewing sarcoma patients after induction therapy. Pediatric blood & cancer 2018, 65:e27384 [PMID: 30084137] KRE2018
  37. Worch J, Ranft A, DuBois SG, Paulussen M, Jürgens H, Dirksen U: Age dependency of primary tumor sites and metastases in patients with Ewing sarcoma. Pediatric blood & cancer 2018, 65:e27251 [PMID: 29856530] WOR2018
  38. Whelan J, Hackshaw A, McTiernan A, Grimer R, Spooner D, Bate J, Ranft A, Paulussen M, Jürgens H, Craft A, Lewis I: Survival is influenced by approaches to local treatment of Ewing sarcoma within an international randomised controlled trial: analysis of EICESS-92. Clinical sarcoma research 2018, 8: 6 [PMID: 29610659] WHE2018
  39. Heinemann M, Ranft A, Langer T, Jürgens H, Kreyer J, Vieth V, Schäfers M, Weckesser M, Simon T, Hassenpflug W, Corbacioglu S, Bielack S, Mayer-Steinacker R, Kühne T, van den Berg H, Gelderblom H, Bauer S, Stegger L, Dirksen U: Recurrence of Ewing sarcoma: Is detection by imaging follow-up protocol associated with survival advantage? Pediatric blood & cancer 2018, 65:e27011 [PMID: 29480574] HEI2018
  40. Gruenewald TGP, Cidre-Aranaz F, Surdez D, Tomazou EM, de Álava E,Kovar H, Sorensen PH, Delattre O, Dirksen U: Ewing sarcoma. Nature reviews. Disease primers 2018 Jul 5; 4: 5 [PMID: 29977059] GRU2018
  41. Spurny C, Kailayangiri S, Altvater B, Jamitzky S, Hartmann W, Wardelmann E, Ranft A, Dirksen U, Amler S, Hardes J, Fluegge M, Meltzer J, Farwick N, Greune L, Rossig C: T cell infiltration into Ewing sarcomas is associated with local expression of immune-inhibitory HLA-G. Oncotarget 2018 Jan 19; 9: 6536 [PMID: 29464090] SPU2017
  42. Frank JA, Ranft A, Paulussen M, Jürgens H, Kruseova J, Bauer S, Niggli F, Reichardt P, Dirksen U: Results for patients with sarcoma not otherwise specified and other diagnoses than Ewing sarcoma treated according to the Euro-EWING 99 trial. Pediatric blood & cancer 2017, 64 [PMID: 28436593] FRA2017
  43. Ranft A, Seidel C, Hoffmann C, Paulussen M, Warby AC, van den Berg H, Ladenstein R, Rossig C, Dirksen U, Rosenbaum D, Jürgens H: Quality of Survivorship in a Rare Disease: Clinicofunctional Outcome and Physical Activity in an Observational Cohort Study of 618 Long-Term Survivors of Ewing Sarcoma. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2017 May 20; 35: 1704 [PMID: 28355116] RAN2017
  44. Heinemann M, Ranft A, Jürgens H, Langer T, Vieth V, Timmermann B, Weckesser M, Dirksen U, Stegger L: Ewing sarcoma during follow-up. Nuklearmedizin. Nuclear medicine 2017, 56: 233 [PMID: 29533418] HEI2017
  45. Thiel U, Wawer A, von Luettichau I, Bender HU, Blaeschke F, Grunewald TG, Steinborn M, Röper B, Bonig H, Klingebiel T, Bader P, Koscielniak E, Paulussen M, Dirksen U, Jürgens H, Kolb HJ, Burdach SE: Bone marrow involvement identifies a subgroup of advanced Ewing sarcoma patients with fatal outcome irrespective of therapy in contrast to curable patients with multiple bone metastases but unaffected marrow. Oncotarget 2016 Oct 25; 7: 70959 [PMID: 27486822] THI2016
  46. Grevener K, Haveman LM, Ranft A, van den Berg H, Jung S, Ladenstein R, Klco-Brosius S, Jürgens H, Merks JH, Dirksen U: Management and Outcome of Ewing Sarcoma of the Head and Neck. Pediatric blood & cancer 2016, 63: 604 [PMID: 26702872] GRE2016
  47. Foulon S, Brennan B, Gaspar N, Dirksen U, Jeys L, Cassoni A, Claude L, Seddon B, Marec-Berard P, Whelan J, Paulussen M, Streitbuerger A, Oberlin O, Jürgens H, Grimer R, Le Deley MC: Can postoperative radiotherapy be omitted in localised standard-risk Ewing sarcoma? An observational study of the Euro-E. W.I. N.G group. European journal of cancer 2016, 61: 128 [PMID: 27176931] FOU2016
  48. Gaspar N, Hawkins DS, Dirksen U, Lewis IJ, Ferrari S, Le Deley MC, Kovar H, Grimer R, Whelan J, Claude L, Delattre O, Paulussen M, Picci P, Sundby Hall K, van den Berg H, Ladenstein R, Michon J, Hjorth L, Judson I, Luksch R, Bernstein ML, Marec-Bérard P, Brennan B, Craft AW, Womer RB, Jürgens H, Oberlin O: Ewing Sarcoma: Current Management and Future Approaches Through Collaboration. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2015 Sep 20; 33: 3036 [PMID: 26304893] GAS2015
  49. van Maldegem AM, Benson C, Rutkowski P, Blay JY, van den Berg H, Placzke J, Rasper M, Judson I, Jürgens H, Dirksen U, Gelderblom H: Etoposide and carbo-or cisplatin combination therapy in refractory or relapsed Ewing sarcoma: a large retrospective study. Pediatric blood & cancer 2015, 62: 40 [PMID: 25251256] MAL2015
  50. Bölling T, Braun-Munzinger G, Burdach S, Calaminus G, Craft A, Delattre O, Deley MC, Dirksen U, Dockhorn-Dworniczak B, Dunst J, Engel S, Faldum A, Fröhlich B, Gadner H, Göbel U, Gosheger G, Hardes J, Hawkins DS, Hjorth L, Hoffmann C, Kovar H, Kruseova J, Ladenstein R, Leuschner I, Lewis IJ, Oberlin O, Paulussen M, Potratz J, Ranft A, Rössig C, Rübe C, Sauer R, Schober O, Schuck A, Timmermann B, Tirode F, van den Berg H, van Valen F, Vieth V, Willich N, Winkelmann W, Whelan J, Womer RB: Development of curative therapies for Ewing sarcomas by interdisciplinary cooperative groups in Europe. Klinische Padiatrie 2015, 227: 108 [PMID: 25985445] BOE2015
  51. Bedetti B, Wiebe K, Ranft A, Aebert H, Schmidt J, Jürgens H, Dirksen U: Local control in Ewing sarcoma of the chest wall: results of the EURO-EWING 99 trial. Annals of surgical oncology 2015, 22: 2853 [PMID: 26104542] BED2015
  52. van den Berg H, Paulussen M, Le Teuff G, Judson I, Gelderblom H, Dirksen U, Brennan B, Whelan J, Ladenstein RL, Marec-Berard P, Kruseova J, Hjorth L, Kühne T, Brichard B, Wheatley K, Craft A, Jürgens H, Gaspar N, Le Deley MC, Euro-EWING99 Group: Impact of gender on efficacy and acute toxicity of alkylating agent -based chemotherapy in Ewing sarcoma: secondary analysis of the Euro-Ewing99-R1 trial. European journal of cancer 2015, 51: 2453 [PMID: 26271204] BER2015
  53. Leuchte K, Altvater B, Hoffschlag S, Potratz J, Meltzer J, Clemens D, Luecke A, Hardes J, Dirksen U, Jürgens H, Kailayangiri S, Rossig C: Anchorage-independent growth of Ewing sarcoma cells under serum-free conditions is not associated with stem-cell like phenotype and function. Oncology reports 2014, 32: 845 [PMID: 24927333] LEU2014
  54. Rasper M, Jabar S, Ranft A, Jürgens H, Amler S, Dirksen U: The value of high-dose chemotherapy in patients with first relapsed Ewing sarcoma. Pediatric blood & cancer 2014, 61: 1382 [PMID: 24729428] RAS2014
  55. Le Deley MC, Paulussen M, Lewis I, Brennan B, Ranft A, Whelan J, Le Teuff G, Michon J, Ladenstein R, Marec-Bérard P, van den Berg H, Hjorth L, Wheatley K, Judson I, Jürgens H, Craft A, Oberlin O, Dirksen U: Cyclophosphamide Compared With Ifosfamide in Consolidation Treatment of Standard-Risk Ewing Sarcoma: Results of the Randomized Noninferiority Euro-EWING99-R1 Trial. Journal of clinical oncology 2014, 32: 2440 [PMID: 24982464] DEL2014
  56. Stahl M, Ranft A, Paulussen M, Bölling T, Vieth V, Bielack S, Görtitz I, Braun-Munzinger G, Hardes J, Jürgens H, Dirksen U: 19. Risk of recurrence and survival after relapse in patients with Ewing sarcoma. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2011,Epub ahead of print [PMID: 21442722 ] STA2011
  57. Thiel U, Wawer A, Wolf P, Badoglio M, Santucci A, Klingebiel T, Basu O, Borkhardt A, Laws HJ, Kodera Y, Yoshimi A, Peters C, Ladenstein R, Pession A, Prete A, Urban EC, Schwinger W, Bordigoni P, Salmon A, Diaz MA, Afanasyev B, Lisukov I, Morozova E, Toren A, Bielorai B, Korsakas J, Fagioli F, Caselli D, Ehninger G, Gruhn B, Dirksen U, Abdel-Rahman F, Aglietta M, Mastrodicasa E, Torrent M, Corradini P, Demeocq F, Dini G, Dreger P, Eyrich M, Gozdzik J, Guilhot F, Holler E, Koscielniak E, Messina C, Nachbaur D, Sabbatini R, Oldani E, Ottinger H, Ozsahin H, Schots R, Siena S, Stein J, Sufliarska S, Unal A, Ussowicz M, Schneider P, Woessmann W, Jürgens H, Bregni M, Burdach S, on behalf of the Solid Tumor Working Party (STWP) and the Pediatric Disease Working Party (PDWP) of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), the Asia Pacific Blood and Marrow Transplantation (APBMT), the Pediatric Registry for Stem: No improvement of survival with reduced- versus high-intensity conditioning for allogeneic stem cell transplants in Ewing tumor patients. Ann Oncol 2011, 22: 1614 [PMID: 21245159] THI2011
  58. Dirksen U, Jürgens H: Approaching Ewing sarcoma. Future Oncol 2010, 6: 1155 [PMID: 20624127] DIR2010
  59. Ladenstein R, Pötschger U, Le Deley MC, Whelan J, Paulussen M, Oberlin O, van den Berg H, Dirksen U, Hjorth L, Michon J, Lewis I, Craft A, Jürgens H: Primary Disseminated Multifocal Ewing Sarcoma: Results of the Euro-EWING 99 Trial. Journal of clinical oncology 2010, 28: 3284 [PMID: 20547982] LAD2010
  60. Burdach S, Thiel U, Schöniger M, Haase R, Wawer A, Nathrath M, Kabisch H, Urban C, Laws HJ, Dirksen U, Steinborn M, Dunst J, Jürgens H, Meta-EICESS Study Group: Total body MRI-governed involved compartment irradiation combined with high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell rescue improves long-term survival in Ewing tumor patients with multiple primary bone metastases. Bone marrow transplantation 2010, 45: 483 [PMID: 19684633] BUR2010
  61. Paulussen M, Bielack S, Jürgens H, Casali PG, ESMO Guidelines Working Group: Ewing's sarcoma of the bone: ESMO clinical recommendations for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Annals of oncology 2009, 20 Suppl 4: 140 [PMID: 19454436] PAU2009
  62. Bölling T, Dirksen U, Ranft A, Ernst I, Jürgens H, Willich N: Radiation toxicity following busulfan/melphalan high-dose chemotherapy in the EURO-EWING-99-trial: review of GPOH data. Strahlenther Onkol 2009, 185 Suppl 2: 21 [PMID: 19685030] BOE2009
  63. Boelling T, Schuck A, Pape H, Rube C, Pollinger B, Timmermann B, Kortmann RD, Dieckmann K, Willich N: Study protocol of the German . Radiation oncology 2008, 3: 10 [PMID: 18426567] BOE2008
  64. Bölling T, Schuck A, Paulussen M, Dirksen U, Ranft A, Könemann S, Dunst J, Willich N, Jürgens H: Whole lung irradiation in patients with exclusively pulmonary metastases of Ewing tumors. Toxicity analysis and treatment results of the EICESS-92 trial. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2008, 184: 193 [PMID: 18398583] BOE2008
  65. Pieper S, Ranft A, Braun-Munzinger G, Jürgens H, Paulussen M, Dirksen U: Ewing's tumors over the age of 40: a retrospective analysis of 47 patients treated according to the International Clinical Trials EICESS 92 and EURO-E. W.I. N.G. 99. Onkologie 2008, 31: 657 [PMID: 19060503] PIE2008
  66. Paulussen M, Craft AW, Lewis I, Hackshaw A, Douglas C, Dunst J, Schuck A, Winkelmann W, Köhler G, Poremba C, Zoubek A, Ladenstein R, van den Berg H, Hunold A, Cassoni A, Spooner D, Grimer R, Whelan J, McTiernan A, Jürgens H, European Intergroup Cooperative Ewing's Sarcoma Study-92: Results of the EICESS-92 Study: two randomized trials of Ewing's sarcoma treatment--cyclophosphamide compared with ifosfamide in standard-risk patients and assessment of benefit of etoposide added to standard treatment in high-risk patients. Journal of clinical oncology 2008, 26: 4385 [PMID: 18802150] PAU2008
  67. Gerth HU, Juergens KU, Dirksen U, Gerss J, Schober O, Franzius C: Significant benefit of multimodal imaging: PET/CT compared with PET alone in staging and follow-up of patients with Ewing tumors. Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine 2007, 48: 1932 [PMID: 18006618] GER2007
  68. Ladenstein R, Whelan J, Oberlin O, Weston C, Juergens, H: A prospective multicentre evaluation of intensive treatment including high-dose chemotherapy and PSCR for Ewing's tumours with extra-pulmonary metastatic disease. Results from the Euro-Ewing 99 Study. Bone Marrow Transplant 2006, 37 Suppl.; 16 LAD2006b
  69. Lanvers-Kaminsky C, Bremer A, Dirksen U, Jürgens H, Boos J: Cytotoxicity of treosulfan and busulfan on pediatric tumor cell lines. Anti-cancer drugs 2006, 17: 657 [PMID: 16917211] LAN2006b
  70. Paulides M, Stohr W, Bielack S, Jürgens H, Koscielniak E, Klingebiel T, Zimmermann R, Stachel D, Langer T, Beck JD: Prospective evaluation of hepatitis B, C and HIV infections as possible sequelae of antineoplastic treatment in paediatric sarcoma patients: a report from the Late Effects Surveillance System. Oncology reports 2006, 15: 687 [PMID: 16465431] PAU2006a
  71. Bernstein M, Kovar H, Paulussen M, Randall, RL, Schuck A, Teot, LA, Juergens, H: Ewing Sarcoma Family of Tumors: Ewing Sarcoma of Bone and Soft Tissue and the Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumors. Buch: Principles and Practice of Pediatric Oncology (Ed. Pizzo,P.A.; Poplack,D.G.) 2006, 5th Ed.;Ch.33; 1002 BER2006a
  72. Ladenstein R, Poetschger U, Hartman O, Jürgens H, Koscielniak E, Dallorso G, Doz F, Dini, G: Megatherapy/SCT activity in paediatric solid tumours in Europe. Bone Marrow Transplant 2006, 37 Suppl.; 149 LAD2006a
  73. Lanvers-Kaminsky C, Nolting DM, Koster J, Schroder A, Sandkotter J, Boos J: In-vitro toxicity of Ukrain against human Ewing tumor cell lines. Anti-cancer drugs 2006, 17: 1025 [PMID: 17001175] LAN2006a
  74. Franzius C, Juergens KU, Vormoor J: PET/CT with diagnostic CT in the evaluation of childhood sarcoma. AJR. American journal of roentgenology 2006, 186: 581; author reply 581 [PMID: 16423975] FRA2006a
  75. Whelan J, McTiernan A, Weston C, Douglas C, Grimer R, Cassoni A, Paulussen M, Jürgens H, Craft A, Lewis, I: Consequences of different approaches to local treatment of Ewing's sarcoma within an international randomised controlled trial: Analysis of EICESS-92. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2006, 24; 528S WHE2006
  76. Schuck A, Ranft A, Dirksen U, Dunst J, Jürgens H, Willich, N: Radiotherapy in Ewing tumours: Significance of fractionation. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2006, 182; 67 SCH2006
  77. Potratz J, Zoubek A, Bielack, S: Malignant bone tumors in children and adolescents. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 2006, 154; 10 POT2006
  78. Borowski A, Dirksen U, Lixin L, Shi RL, Göbel U, Schneider EM: Structure and function of ETAA16: a novel cell surface antigen in Ewing's tumours. Cancer Immunol Immunother Vol.55; 2006, 363 [PMID: 16003559] BOR2006
  79. Kreuter M, Paulussen M, Boeckeler J, Gerss J, Buerger H, Liebscher C, Kessler T, Jürgens H, Berdel WE, Mesters RM: Clinical significance of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A expression in Ewing's sarcoma. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 2006, 42: 1904 [PMID: 16824746] KRE2006
  80. Hunold A, Weddeling N, Paulussen M, Ranft A, Liebscher C, Jürgens H: Topotecan and cyclophosphamide in patients with refractory or relapsed Ewing tumors. Pediatric blood & cancer 2006, 47: 795 [PMID: 16411206] HUN2006
  81. Hoffmann C, Gosheger G, Gebert C, Jürgens H, Winkelmann, N: Functional results and quality of life after treatment of pelvic sarcomas involving the acetabulum. J Bone Joint Surg Am 88A; 3/2006, 575 HOF2006
  82. Gebert C, Brinkschmidt C, Bielack S, Bernhardt T, Jürgens H, Böcker W, Winkelmann W, Bürger H, Gosheger, G: The potential of comparative genomic hybridization as a tool in the differential diagnosis of matrix-producing bone lesions. Int J Surg Pathol 2006, 14: 187 [PMID: 16959697] GEB2006
  83. Franzius C, Hotfilder M, Poremba C, Hermann S, Schafers K, Gabbert HE, Jürgens H, Schober O, Schafers M, Vormoor J: Successful high-resolution animal positron emission tomography of human Ewing tumours and their metastases in a murine xenograft model. European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging 2006, 33: 1432 [PMID: 16896672] FRA2006
  84. Bernstein M, Kovar H, Paulussen M, Randall RL, Schuck A, Teot LA, Jürgens H: Ewing's sarcoma family of tumors: current management. The oncologist 2006, 11: 503 [PMID: 16720851] BER2006
  85. Paulides M, Kremers A, Stohr W, Bielack S, Jürgens H, Treuner J, Beck JD, Langer T, German Late Effects Working Group in the Society of Pediatric Oncology and Haematology (GPOH): Prospective longitudinal evaluation of doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy in sarcoma patients: a report of the late effects surveillance system (LESS). Pediatric blood & cancer 2006, 46: 489 [PMID: 16333817] PAU2006
  86. Schuck A, Hamelmann V, Bramswig JH, Konemann S, Rube C, Hesselmann S, Riesenbeck D, Horst E, Bolling T, Paulussen M, Jürgens H, Willich N: Ovarian function following pelvic irradiation in prepubertal and pubertal girls and young adult women. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Rontgengesellschaft ... [et al] 2005, 181: 534 [PMID: 16044222] SCH2005k
  87. Schuck A, Ahrens S, von Schorlemer I, Kuhlen M, Paulussen M, Hunold A, Gosheger G, Winkelmann W, Dunst J, Willich N, Jürgens H: Radiotherapy in Ewing tumors of the vertebrae: treatment results and local relapse analysis of the CESS 81/86 and EICESS 92 trials. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 2005, 63: 1562 [PMID: 16137838] SCH2005j
  88. Lanvers-Kaminsky C, Winter B, Koling S, Frodermann B, Braun Y, Schaefer KL, Diallo R, Koenemann S, Wai D, Willich N, Poremba C, Schuck A: Doxorubicin modulates telomerase activity in Ewing's sarcoma in vitro and in vivo. Oncology reports 2005, 14: 751 [PMID: 16077987] LAN2005d
  89. Paulussen M, Jürgens H, Dunst J, Schmoll, HJ, Winkelmann W, Hoffmann, C: Ewing-Tumor (Ewing-Sarkom und maligner peripherer neuroektodermaler Tumor, PNET). Book Chapter In "Kompendium Internistische Onkologie, Standards in Diagnostik und Therapie - Teil 2: Therapiekonzepte maligner Tumoren" (Ed. Schmoll,H.J.; Höffken,K.; Possinger,K.) 2005, 4th Ed.; 5292 PAU2005b
  90. Paulussen M, Kovar H, Jürgens H: Ewing sarcoma and peripheral PNET. Buchbeitrag 2005, 5. Aufl. PAU2005a
  91. Daecke W, Ahrens S, Jürgens H, Martini AK, Ewerbeck V, Kotz R, Winkelmann W, Bernd L: Ewing's sarcoma and primitive neuroectodermal tumor of hand and forearm. Experience of the Cooperative Ewing's Sarcoma Study Group. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 2005, 131: 219 [PMID: 15614525] DAE2005a
  92. Paulides M, Stöhr W, Bielack S, Jürgens H, Treuner J, Schuck A, Willich N, Sauer R, Dörr, HG, Rascher W, Langer T, Beck, JD: Major sequelae of antineoplastic therapy prospectively evaluated in 162 relapse-free adult sarcoma patients. Onkologie 2005, 28;S3; 56 PAU2005
  93. Masjosthusmann K, Bielack SS, Kohler G, Florax A, Schiborr M, Bruch J, Reinhardt D, Kuhn N, Paulussen M, Jürgens H: Concomitant Ewing sarcoma and acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a 5-year-old girl. Pediatric blood & cancer 2005, 45: 846 [PMID: 15926159] MAS2005
  94. Machatschek JN, Paulussen M, Bielack S: Chemotherapie bei malignen Knochentumoren. Buchbeitrag 2005 MAC2005
  95. Konemann S, Bolling T, Kolkmeyer A, Riesenbeck D, Hesselmann S, Vormoor J, Willich N, Schuck A: Heterogeneity of radiation induced apoptosis in Ewing Tumor cell lines characterized on a single cell level. Apoptosis 2005, 10: 177 [PMID: 15711933] KON2005
  96. Hotfilder M, Sondermann P, Senss A, van Valen F, Jürgens H, Vormoor J: PI3K/AKT is involved in mediating survival signals that rescue Ewing tumour cells from fibroblast growth factor 2-induced cell death. British journal of cancer 2005, 92: 705 [PMID: 15685229] HOT2005
  97. Gerth HU, Rompel A, Krebs B, Boos J, Lanvers-Kaminsky C: Cytotoxic effects of novel polyoxotungstates and a platinum compound on human cancer cell lines. Anti-cancer drugs 2005, 16: 101 [PMID: 15613912] GER2005
  98. Schuck A, Kuhlen M, von Schorlemer L, Ahrens S, Hunold A, Konemann S, Dunst J, Winkelmann W, Jürgens H, Willich N : Radiotherapy in Ewing's tumors of the vertebral column - Results and analysis of local recurrences. STRAHLENTHERAPIE UND ONKOLOGIE 180: 24-24 Suppl. 1, JUN 2004 [ISSN: 0179-7158] SCH2004g