Studienliteratur zum Osteosarkom (COSS)

Zuletzt geändert: 08.11.2023

Studienliteratur Osteosarkome


  1. Bielack SS, Kager L, Kühne T, Langer T, Reichardt P, Blattmann C, Kevric M, Mettmann V, Sorg B, Hecker-Nolting S: Establishment, Maintenance, and Performance of the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group (COSS). Cancers 2023, 15 [PMID: 36900310] BIE2023b
  2. Bielack SS, Kempf-Bielack B, Delling G, Exner GU, Flege S, Helmke K, Kotz R, Salzer-Kuntschik M, Werner M, Winkelmann W, Zoubek A, Jürgens H, Winkler K: Prognostic Factors in High-Grade Osteosarcoma of theExtremities or Trunk: An Analysis of 1,702 Patients Treatedon Neoadjuvant Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study GroupProtocols. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2023, 41: 4323 [PMID: 37713812] BIE2023a
  3. Bielack SS, Blattmann C, Hassenpflug W, Kager L, Kuhne T, Kevric M, Schlegel PG, Mettmann V, Sorg B, Hecker-Nolting S: Osteosarcoma Arising After Ewing Sarcoma or Vice Versa: A Report of 20 Affected Patients from the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group (COSS). Anticancer research 2023, 43: 4975 [PMID: 37909999] BIE2023a
  4. Hecker-Nolting S, Kager L, Kühne T, Baumhoer D, Blattmann C, Friedel G, von Kalle T, Kevric M, Mayer-Steinacker R, Schwarz R, Sorg B, Wirth T, Bielack SS: Ultra-Late Osteosarcoma Recurrences: An Analysis of 17 Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group Patients with a First Recurrence Detected More Than 10 Years After Primary Tumor Diagnosis. Journal of adolescent and young adult oncology 2023, 12: 76 [PMID: 36454220] HEC2023a
  5. van Ewijk R, Cleirec M, Herold N, le Deley MC, van Eijkelenburg N, Boudou-Rouquette P, Risbourg S, Strauss SJ, Palmerini E, Boye K, Kager L, Hecker-Nolting S, Marchais A, Gaspar N, FOSTER Consortium (Fight OsteoSarcoma Through European Research), work package 3 on recurrent/refractory osteosarcoma trials: A systematic review of recent phase-II trials in refractory or recurrent osteosarcoma: Can we inform future trial design? Cancer treatment reviews 2023, 120: 102625 [PMID: 37738712] EWI2023
  6. Scobioala S, Parfitt R, Matulat P, Byrne J, Langer T, Troschel FM, Hesping AE, Clemens E, Kaatsch P, Grabow D, Kaiser M, Spix C, Kremer LC, Calaminus G, Baust K, Kuehni CE, Weiss A, Strebel S, Kuonen R, Elsner S, Haupt R, Garré ML, Gruhn B, Kepak T, Kepakova K, Winther JF, Kenborg L, Rechnitzer C, Hasle H, Kruseova J, Luks A, Lackner H, Bielack S, Beck JD, Jürgens H, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Zolk O, Eich HT, Am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen A, PanCareLIFE Consortium: The impact of the temporal sequence of cranial radiotherapy and platin-based chemotherapy on hearing impairment in pediatric and adolescent CNS and head-and-neck cancer patients: A report from the PanCareLIFE consortium. International journal of cancer 2023, [PMID: 37715472] SCO2023
  7. Mettmann VL, Baumhoer D, Bielack SS, Blattmann C, Friedel G, von Kalle T, Kager L, Kevric M, Nathrath M, Sorg B, Dürken M, Hecker-Nolting S: Solitary pulmonary metastases at first recurrence of osteosarcoma: Presentation, treatment, and survival of 219 patients of the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group. Cancer medicine 2023, 12: 18219 [PMID: 37548393] MET2023
  8. Bodmer N, Hecker-Nolting S, Friedel G, Blattmann C, Kager L, Kessler T, Kevric M, Kühne T, Mettmann V, Müller-Abt P, Sorg B, Theobald M, Bielack SS: Primary osteosarcoma of the ribs: A report from the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group. Cancer 2023, 129: 1895 [PMID: 36928868] BOD2023
  9. Gotta J, Bochennek K, Klingebiel T, Bielack S, Wild PJ, Demes MC, Gradhand E: Metachronous Osteosarcoma, A Differential Diagnosis to be Considered in Children With Osteosarcoma: A Review of Literature and a Case From Our Center. Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 2023, 45: 105 [PMID: 36251795] GOT2023
  10. Hecker-Nolting S, Baumhoer D, Blattmann C, Kager L, Kühne T, Kevric M, Lang S, Mettmann V, Sorg B, Werner M, Bielack SS: Osteosarcoma pre-diagnosed as another tumor: a report from the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group (COSS). Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 2023, 149: 1961 [PMID: 35980483] HEC2023
  11. Kube SJ, Blattmann C, Bielack SS, Kager L, Kaatsch P, Kühne T, Sorg B, Kevric M, Jabar S, Hallmen E, Sparber-Sauer M, Klingebiel T, Koscielniak E, Dirksen U, Hecker-Nolting S, Gerß JWO: Secondary malignant neoplasms after bone and soft tissue sarcomas in children, adolescents, and young adults. Cancer 2022, 128: 1787 [PMID: 35195899] KUB2022
  12. Beird HC, Bielack SS, Flanagan AM, Gill J, Heymann D, Janeway KA, Livingston JA, Roberts RD, Strauss SJ, Gorlick R: Osteosarcoma. Nature reviews. Disease primers 2022, 8: 77 [PMID: 36481668] BEI2022
  13. Bielack SS, Blattmann C, Borkhardt A, Csóka M, Hassenpflug W, Kabíčková E, Kager L, Kessler T, Kratz C, Kühne T, Kevric M, Lehrnbecher T, Mayer-Steinacker R, Mettmann V, Metzler M, Reichardt P, Rossig C, Sorg B, von Luettichau I, Windhager R, Hecker-Nolting S: Osteosarcoma and causes of death: A report of 1520 deceased patients from the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group (COSS). European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 2022, 176: 50 [PMID: 36191386] BIE2022
  14. Gotta J, Bielack S, Hecker-Nolting S, Sorg B, Kevric M, Salzmann-Manrique E, Klingebiel T: When Your Ankle Becomes a Knee - Long-Term Functional Outcome and Quality of Life with a Rotationplasty after Resection of Malignant Limb Tumors. Klinische Padiatrie 2022, 234: 154 [PMID: 34902872] GOT2022
  15. Hecker-Nolting S: Osteosarkome. Leitlinie der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Onkologie und Hämatologie 2021 [URI: uploads/ tx_szleitlinien/ 025-005l_S1_Osteosarkome_2021-11.pdf] HEC2021
  16. Kovac M, Woolley C, Ribi S, Blattmann C, Roth E, Morini M, Kovacova M, Ameline B, Kulozik A, Bielack S, Hartmann W, Ballinger ML, Thomas DM, Tomlinson I, Nathrath M, Heinimann K, Baumhoer D: Germline RET variants underlie a subset of paediatric osteosarcoma. Journal of medical genetics 2021, 58: 20 [PMID: 32179705] KOV2021
  17. Kelley LM, Schlegel M, Hecker-Nolting S, Kevric M, Haller B, Rössig C, Reichardt P, Kager L, Kühne T, Gosheger G, Windhager R, Specht K, Rechl H, Tunn PU, Baumhoer D, Wirth T, Werner M, von Kalle T, Nathrath M, Burdach S, Bielack S, von Lüttichau I: Pathological Fracture and Prognosis of High-Grade Osteosarcoma of the Extremities: An Analysis of 2,847 Consecutive Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group (COSS) Patients. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2020, 38: 823 [PMID: 31928458] KEL2020
  18. Calaminus G, Jenney M, Hjorth L, Baust K, Bernstein M, Bielack S, Vos P, Hogendoorn PCW, Jovic G, Krailo M, Kreitz K, Marina N, Popoola BO, Sauerland C, Smeland S, Teske C, Schweinitz CV, Whelan J, Wiener A, Sydes MR, Nagarajan R: Quality of Life of Patients With Osteosarcoma in the European American Osteosarcoma Study-1 (EURAMOS-1): Development and Implementation of a Questionnaire Substudy. JMIR research protocols 2019, 8:e14406 [PMID: 31573951] CAL2019
  19. Smeland S, Bielack SS, Whelan J, Bernstein M, Hogendoorn P, Krailo MD, Gorlick R, Janeway KA, Ingleby FC, Anninga J, Antal I, Arndt C, Brown KLB, Butterfass-Bahloul T, Calaminus G, Capra M, Dhooge C, Eriksson M, Flanagan AM, Friedel G, Gebhardt MC, Gelderblom H, Goldsby R, Grier HE, Grimer R, Hawkins DS, Hecker-Nolting S, Sundby Hall K, Isakoff MS, Jovic G, Kühne T, Kager L, von Kalle T, Kabickova E, Lang S, Lau CC, Leavey PJ, Lessnick SL, Mascarenhas L, Mayer-Steinacker R, Meyers PA, Nagarajan R, Randall RL, Reichardt P, Renard M, Rechnitzer C, Schwartz CL, Strauss S, Teot L, Timmermann B, Sydes MR, Marina N: Survival and prognosis with osteosarcoma: outcomes in more than 2000 patients in the EURAMOS-1 (European and American Osteosarcoma Study) cohort. European journal of cancer 2019, 109: 36 [PMID: 30685685] SME2019
  20. Schuster AJ, Kager L, Reichardt P, Baumhoer D, Csóka M, Hecker-Nolting S, Lang S, Lorenzen S, Mayer-Steinacker R, von Kalle T, Kevric M, Werner M, Windhager R, Wirth T, Bielack SS: High-Grade Osteosarcoma of the Foot: Presentation, Treatment, Prognostic Factors, and Outcome of 23 Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group COSS Patients. Sarcoma 2018, 2018, 1632978 [PMID: 29853778] SCH2018c
  21. Casali PG, Bielack S, Abecassis N, Aro HT, Bauer S, Biagini R, Bonvalot S, Boukovinas I, Bovee JVMG, Brennan B, Brodowicz T, Broto JM, Brugières L, Buonadonna A, De Álava E, Dei Tos AP, Del Muro XG, Dileo P, Dhooge C, Eriksson M, Fagioli F, Fedenko A, Ferraresi V, Ferrari A, Ferrari S, Frezza AM, Gaspar N, Gasperoni S, Gelderblom H, Gil T, Grignani G, Gronchi A, Haas RL, Hassan B, Hecker-Nolting S, Hohenberger P, Issels R, Joensuu H, Jones RL, Judson I, Jutte P, Kaal S, Kager L, Kasper B, Kopeckova K, Krákorová DA, Ladenstein R, Le Cesne A, Lugowska I, Merimsky O, Montemurro M, Morland B, Pantaleo MA, Piana R, Picci P, Piperno-Neumann S, Pousa AL, Reichardt P, Robinson MH, Rutkowski P, Safwat AA, Schöffski P, Sleijfer S, Stacchiotti S, Strauss SJ, Sundby Hall K, Unk M, Van Coevorden F, van der Graaf WTA, Whelan J, Wardelmann E, Zaikova O, Blay JY, ESMO Guidelines Committee, PaedCan and ERN EURACAN: Bone sarcomas: ESMO-PaedCan-EURACAN Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology 2018 Oct 1; 29:iv79-iv95 [PMID: 30285218] CAS2018
  22. Longhi A, Bielack SS, Grimer R, Whelan J, Windhager R, Leithner A, Gronchi A, Biau D, Jutte P, Krieg AH, Klenke FM, Grignani G, Donati DM, Capanna R, Casanova J, Gerrand C, Bisogno G, Hecker-Nolting S, De Lisa M, D'Ambrosio L, Willegger M, Scoccianti G, Ferrari S: Extraskeletal osteosarcoma: A European Musculoskeletal Oncology Society study on 266 patients. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 2017, 74: 9 [PMID: 28167373] LON2017
  23. Kager L, Tamamyan G, Bielack S: Novel insights and therapeutic interventions for pediatric osteosarcoma. Future oncology (London, England) 2017, 13: 357 [PMID: 27651036] KAG2017
  24. Bielack SS, Hecker-Nolting S, Blattmann C, Kager L: Advances in the management of osteosarcoma. F1000Research 2016 Nov 25; 5: 2767 [PMID: 27990273] BIE2016
  25. Marina N, Smeland S, Bielack S, Bernstein M, Jovic G, Krailo M, Hook J, Arndt C, van den Berg H, Brennan B, Brichard B, Brown K, Butterfass-Bahloul T, Calaminus G, Daldrup-Link H, Erksson M, Gebhardt M, Gelderblom H, Gerss J, Goldsby R, Goorin A, Gorlick R, Grier H, Hale J, Hall K, Hardes J, Hawkins D, Helmke K, Hogendoorn P, Isakoff M, Janeway K, Jürgens H, Kager L, Kühne T, Lau C, Leavey P, Lessnick S, Mascarenhas L, Meyers P, Mottl H, Nathrath M, Papai Z, Randall R, Reichardt P, Renard M, Safwat A, Schwartz C, Stevens M, Strauss S, Teot L, Werner M, Sydes M, Whelan J: Comparison of MAPIE versus MAP in patients with a poor response to preoperative chemotherapy for newly diagnosed high-grade osteosarcoma (EURAMOS-1): an open-label, international, randomised controlled trial . Lancet Oncol 2016, 17: 1396 [PMID: 27569442] MAR2016
  26. Bielack SS, Smeland S, Whelan JS, Marina N, Jovic G, Hook JM, Krailo MD, Gebhardt M, Pápai Z, Meyer J, Nadel H, Randall RL, Deffenbaugh C, Nagarajan R, Brennan B, Letson GD, Teot LA, Goorin A, Baumhoer D, Kager L, Werner M, Lau CC, Sundby Hall K, Gelderblom H, Meyers P, Gorlick R, Windhager R, Helmke K, Eriksson M, Hoogerbrugge PM, Schomberg P, Tunn PU, Kühne T, Jürgens H, van den Berg H, Böhling T, Picton S, Renard M, Reichardt P, Gerss J, Butterfass-Bahloul T, Morris C, Hogendoorn PC, Seddon B, Calaminus G, Michelagnoli M, Dhooge C, Sydes MR, Bernstein M, EURAMOS-1 investigators: Methotrexate, Doxorubicin, and Cisplatin (MAP) Plus Maintenance Pegylated Interferon Alfa-2b Versus MAP Alone in Patients With Resectable High-Grade Osteosarcoma and Good Histologic Response to Preoperative MAP: First Results of the EURAMOS-1 Good Response Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of clinical oncology 2015, 33: 2279 [PMID: 26033801] BIE2015
  27. Whelan JS, Bielack SS, Marina N, Smeland S, Jovic G, Hook JM, Krailo M, Anninga J, Butterfass-Bahloul T, Böhling T, Calaminus G, Capra M, Deffenbaugh C, Dhooge C, Eriksson M, Flanagan AM, Gelderblom H, Goorin A, Gorlick R, Gosheger G, Grimer RJ, Hall KS, Helmke K, Hogendoorn PC, Jundt G, Kager L, Kuehne T, Lau CC, Letson GD, Meyer J, Meyers PA, Morris C, Mottl H, Nadel H, Nagarajan R, Randall RL, Schomberg P, Schwarz R, Teot LA, Sydes MR, Bernstein M, EURAMOS collaborators: EURAMOS-1, an international randomised study for osteosarcoma: results from pre-randomisation treatment. Annals of oncology : official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology / ESMO 2015, 26: 407 [PMID: 25421877] WHE2015
  28. Zils K, Klingebiel T, Behnisch W, Mueller HL, Schlegel PG, Fruehwald M, Suttorp M, Simon T, Werner M, Bielack S: Osteosarcoma in patients with rothmund-thomson syndrome. Pediatric hematology and oncology 2015, 32: 32 [PMID: 25551679] ZIL2015
  29. Tamamyan G, Dominkus M, Lang S, Diakos C, Mittheisz E, Horcher E, Holter W, Zoubek A, Bielack S, Kager L: Multiple relapses in high-grade osteosarcoma: When to stop aggressive therapy? Pediatric blood & cancer 2015, 62: 529 [PMID: 25611048] TAM2015
  30. Bielack S, Kevric M: High BMI at diagnosis is not associated with inferior survival in patients with osteosarcoma. A report from the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group. Pediatric blood & cancer 2014, 61: 952 [PMID: 24127430] BIE2014a
  31. Bielack SS, Hecker-Nolting S, Kevric M, Jürgens H: Osteosarcoma and Phyllodes Tumor. Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 2014, [PMID: 24878621] BIE2014
  32. Kager L, Bielack S: [Chemotherapeutic concepts for bone sarcomas]. Der Unfallchirurg 2014, 117: 517 [PMID: 24903502] KAG2014
  33. Zils K, Bielack S: Osteosarcoma After Bone Marrow Transplantation: Still a Challenge. Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 2013, epub ahead of print [PMID: 23929319] ZIL2013a
  34. Tenardi RD, Frühwald MC, Jürgens H, Hertroijs D, Bauer J: Nutritional status of children and young adults with Ewing sarcoma or osteosarcoma at diagnosis and during multimodality therapy. Pediatric blood & cancer 2013, 60: 166 [PMID: 22997176] TEN2013
  35. Zils K, Bielack S, Wilhelm M, Werner M, Schwarz R, Windhager R, Hofmann-Wackersreuther G, Andus T, Kager L, Kuehne T, Reichardt P, von Kalle T: Osteosarcoma of the mobile spine. Annals of oncology 2013, Epub ahead of print [PMID: 23613478] ZIL2013
  36. Nitz A, Kontopantelis E, Bielack S, Koscielniak E, Klingebiel T, Langer T, Paulides M: Prospective evaluation of cisplatin- and carboplatin-mediated ototoxicity in paediatric and adult soft tissue and osteosarcoma patients. Oncology letters 2013, 5: 311 [PMID: 23255940] NIT2013
  37. Zils K, Ebner F, Ott M, Müller J, Baumhoer D, Greulich M, Rehnitz D, Rempen A, Schaetzle S, Wilhelm M, Bielack S: Extraskeletal Osteosarcoma of the Breast in an Adolescent Girl. Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 2012 Jan ; [Epub ahead of print] [PMID: 22246152] ZIL2012
  38. Franke M, Hardes J, Helmke K, Jundt G, Jürgens H, Kempf-Bielack B, Kevric M, Tunn PU, Werner M, Bielack S: Solitary skeletal osteosarcoma recurrence. Findings from the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group. Pediatric blood & cancer 2011, 56: 771 [PMID: 21370409] FRA2011
  39. Schwarz R, Bruland O, Cassoni A, Schomberg P, Bielack S: The role of radiotherapy in oseosarcoma. Cancer treatment and research 2010, 152: 147 [PMID: 20213389] SCH2010b
  40. Bielack S, Jürgens H, Jundt G, Kevric M, Kühne T, Reichardt P, Zoubek A, Werner M, Winkelmann W, Kotz R: Osteosarcoma: The COSS Experience. Cancer treatment and research 2010, 152: 289 [PMID: 20213397] BIE2010b
  41. Kager L, Pötschger U, Bielack S: Review of mifamurtide in the treatment of patients with osteosarcoma. Ther Clin Risk Manag 2010, 24; 6: 279 [PMID: 20596505] KAG2010a
  42. Kager L, Kempf-Bielack B, Bielack S: Synchronous and metachronous lung metastases in high-grade osteosarcoma. Japanese journal of clinical oncology 2010, 40: 94 [PMID: 19914945] KAG2010a
  43. Bielack SS: Osteosarcoma: time to move on? European journal of cancer 2010, 46: 1942 [PMID: 20385483] BIE2010a
  44. Franke M, Hardes J, Helmke K, Jundt G, Jürgens H, Kempf-Bielack B, Kevric M, Tunn PU, Werner M, Bielack S: Solitary skeletal osteosarcoma recurrence. Findings from the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2011, 56: 771 [PMID: 21162070] FRA2010
  45. Bielack SS, Franke M: Re: Late recurrence in pediatric cancer: a report from the childhood cancer survivor study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 2010, 102: 828; author reply 828 [PMID: 20424235] BIE2010
  46. Kager L, Zoubek A, Dominkus M, Lang S, Bodmer N, Jundt G, Klingebiel T, Jürgens H, Gadner H, Bielack S, for the COSS Study Group: Osteosarcoma in very young children: experience of the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group. Cancer 2010, [PMID: 20672353] KAG2010
  47. Bielack SS, Carrle D, Hardes J, Schuck A, Paulussen M: Bone tumors in adolescents and young adults. Current treatment options in oncology 2008, 9: 67 [PMID: 18449804] BIE2008e
  48. Bielack S: Pediatric extraskeletal osteosarcoma. Pediatric radiology 2008, 38: 1033 [PMID: 18521586] BIE2008c
  49. Bielack SS, Marina N, Ferrari S, Helman LJ, Smeland S, Whelan JS, Reaman GH: Osteosarcoma: the same old drugs or more? Journal of clinical oncology 2008, 26: 3102-3; author reply 3104 [PMID: 18565904] BIE2008b
  50. Bielack SS, Carrle D: State-of-the-art approach in selective curable tumors: bone sarcoma. Annals of oncology 2008, 19 Suppl 7:vii155 [PMID: 18790938] BIE2008a
  51. Kersting C, Gebert C, Agelopoulos K, Schmidt H, van Diest PJ, Jürgens H, Winkelmann W, Kevric M, Gosheger G, Brandt B, Bielack S, Buerger H: Epidermal growth factor receptor expression in high-grade osteosarcomas is associated with a good clinical outcome. Clinical cancer research 2007, 13: 2998 [PMID: 17505002] KER2007
  52. Paulides M, Dörr HG, Stöhr W, Bielack S, Koscielniak E, Klingebiel T, Jürgens H, Bölling T, Willich N, Sauer R, Langer T, Beck JD, Late Effects Surveillance System: Thyroid function in paediatric and young adult patients after sarcoma therapy: a report from the Late Effects Surveillance System. Clinical endocrinology 2007, 66: 727 [PMID: 17381483] PAU2007
  53. Potratz J, Zoubek A, Bielack, S: Malignant bone tumors in children and adolescents. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd 2006, 154; 10 POT2006
  54. Paulides M, Kremers A, Stohr W, Bielack S, Jürgens H, Treuner J, Beck JD, Langer T, German Late Effects Working Group in the Society of Pediatric Oncology and Haematology (GPOH): Prospective longitudinal evaluation of doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy in sarcoma patients: a report of the late effects surveillance system (LESS). Pediatric blood & cancer 2006, 46: 489 [PMID: 16333817] PAU2006
  55. Stohr W, Langer T, Kremers A, Bielack S, Lamprecht-Dinnesen A, Frey E, Beck JD, German Late Effects Working Group in the German Society of Pediatric Oncology and Hematology: Cisplatin-induced ototoxicity in osteosarcoma patients: a report from the late effects surveillance system. Cancer investigation 2005, 23: 201 [PMID: 15945505] STO2005
  56. Daecke W, Bielack S, Martini AK, Ewerbeck V, Jürgens H, Kotz R, Winkelmann W, Kabisch H, Kevric M, Bernd L: Osteosarcoma of the hand and forearm: experience of the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group. Annals of surgical oncology : the official journal of the Society of Surgical Oncology 2005, 12: 322 [PMID: 15827675] DAE2005
  57. Goldstein-Jackson SY, Gosheger G, Delling G, Berdel WE, Exner GU, Jundt G, Machatschek JN, Zoubek A, Jürgens H, Bielack SS, Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group COSS: Extraskeletal osteosarcoma has a favourable prognosis when treated like conventional osteosarcoma. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 2005, 131: 520 [PMID: 15918046] GOL2005
  58. Eselgrim M, Grunert H, Kuhne T, Zoubek A, Kevric M, Burger H, Jürgens H, Mayer-Steinacker R, Gosheger G, Bielack SS: Dose intensity of chemotherapy for osteosarcoma and outcome in the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group (COSS) trials. Pediatric blood & cancer 2005, [PMID: 16206218] ESE2005
  59. Grimer RJ, Bielack S, Flege S, Cannon SR, Foleras G, Andreeff I, Sokolov T, Taminiau A, Dominkus M, San-Julian M, Kollender Y, Gosheger G, European Musculo Skeletal Oncology Society: Periosteal osteosarcoma--a European review of outcome. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990) 2005, 41: 2806 [PMID: 16290134] GRI2005
  60. Kempf-Bielack B, Bielack SS, Jürgens H, Branscheid D, Berdel WE, Exner GU, Göbel U, Helmke K, Jundt G, Kabisch H, Kevric M, Klingebiel T, Kotz R, Maas R, Schwarz R, Semik M, Treuner J, Zoubek A, Winkler K: Osteosarcoma relapse after combined modality therapy: an analysis of unselected patients in the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group (COSS). Journal of clinical oncology 2005, 23: 559 [PMID: 15659502] KEM2005
  61. Leidinger B, Bielack S, Koehler G, Vieth V, Winkelmann W, Gosheger G: High level of beta-hCG simulating pregnancy in recurrent osteosarcoma: case report and review of literature. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 2004, 130: 357 [PMID: 15042358] LEI2004
  62. Kreuter M, Bieker R, Bielack SS, Auras T, Buerger H, Gosheger G, Jürgens H, Berdel WE, Mesters RM: Prognostic relevance of increased angiogenesis in osteosarcoma. Clinical cancer research : an official journal of the American Association for Cancer Research 2004, 10: 8531 [PMID: 15623635] KRE2004