
Author:  Julia Dobke, Last modification: 2019/06/19

NPC-2014-GPOH-Registry Multicentre registry for the treatment of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma in children and young adults
Disease Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Type Registry
Rationale / Objectives
  • Continuation of the good results of the trials NPC 1991 and NPC-2003-GPOH
  • Ongoing quality warranty by gathering of reference findings and collection of epidemiological data
  • Further evaluation of the value of PET-CT in correlation to MRT for the assessment of the remission
  • Continuation of the regime to reduce the radiation dose for patients with complete remission after neoadjuvant chemotherapy
  • Further evaluation of the value of virological markers
  • Collection of biological material (tumour, blood) for the support of essential accompanying scientific studies
Therapy / Study arms

Based on the results of the trial NPC-2003 the registry offers a recommendation for the treatment of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma. It corresponds to the state of the art for the treatment of the nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Stadium I: Radiotherapy 45Gy+14,4Gy; followed by off-label Interferon-therapy with Rebif®
Stadium II-IV (M0): Chemotherapy with 3 courses Cisplatin and 5-FU; depending of the response followed by radiotherapy with 45Gy+9,4Gy or 45Gy+14,4 Gy and parallel 2 courses chemotherapy with Cisplatin. Followed by off-label Interferon-therapy with Rebif®
Stadium IV (M1):Chemotherapy with 4 courses Cisplatin and 5-FU; radiation of the primary tumour with 45Gy+14,4Gy and the metatases following the recommendaton of the reference radiologist;, parallel to the radiation 2 courses chemotherapy with Cisplatin and T-Cell-therapy. Followed by off-label Interferon-therapy witht Rebif®

Inclusion Criteria
  • Primary diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma
  • Histology WHO Type II b or IIIa-b
  • Age up to 25 years
  • Reefernce histology
  • Written consent
Exclusion Criteria
  • Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma (WHO Typ I)
  • Pretreatment with radio- or chemotherapy
  • Secondary malignancy
  • Pregnancy
  • Missing written informed consent for data transfer
Status December 2014
Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. med. R Mertens



Dr. med. Tristan Römer Universitätsklinik der RWTH Aachen Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin Pauwelsstr. 30 52074 Aachen Telefon +49 (0241) 80 89 222 Fax +49 (0241) 80 82 423

Link(s) Publications
Sponsoring „Hilfe für krebskranke Kinder“ e.V. Aachen