Literature on long-term side effects after cancer treatment
Last modification: 2024/05/03
Literature on long-term side effects after chemotherapy / stem cell therapy and long-term side effects in general 
- Sommerhäuser G, Borgmann-Staudt A, Astrahantseff K, Baust K, Calaminus G, Dittrich R, Fernández-González MJ, Hölling H, König CJ, Schilling R, Schuster T, Lotz L, Balcerek M: Health outcomes in offspring born to survivors of childhood cancers following assisted reproductive technologies. Journal of cancer survivorship : research and practice 2021, 15: 259 [PMID: 32844376]
- Calaminus G, Baust K, Berger C, Byrne J, Binder H, Casagranda L, Grabow D, Grootenhuis M, Kaatsch P, Kaiser M, Kepak T, Kepáková K, Kremer LCM, Kruseova J, Luks A, Spix C, van den Berg M, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MMM, van Dulmen-den Broeder E, Kuonen R, Sommer G, Kuehni C: Health-Related Quality of Life in European Childhood Cancer Survivors: Protocol for a Study Within PanCareLIFE. JMIR research protocols 2021, 10:e21851 [PMID: 33492237]
- Korte E, Schilling R, Balcerek M, Campbell H, Dirksen U, Herrmann G, Kepakova K, Kepak T, Klco-Brosius S, Kruseova J, Kunstreich M, Lackner H, Langer T, Panasiuk A, Stefanowicz J, Strauß G, Ranft A, Byrne J, Goldbeck L, Borgmann-Staudt A: Fertility education for adolescent cancer patients: Gaps in current clinical practice in Europe. European journal of cancer care 2020, 29:e13279 [PMID: 32567091]
- Limond J, Thomas S, Bull KS, Calaminus G, Lemiere J, Traunwieser T, van Santen HM, Weiler L, Spoudeas HA, Chevignard M: Quality of survival assessment in European childhood brain tumour trials, for children below the age of 5 years. European journal of paediatric neurology : EJPN : official journal of the European Paediatric Neurology Society 2020, 25: 59 [PMID: 31753708]
- Salchow J, Mann J, Koch B, von Grundherr J, Jensen W, Elmers S, Straub LA, Vettorazzi E, Escherich G, Rutkowski S, Dwinger S, Bergelt C, Sokalska-Duhme M, Bielack S, Calaminus G, Baust K, Classen CF, Rössig C, Faber J, Faller H, Hilgendorf I, Gebauer J, Langer T, Metzler M, Schuster S, Niemeyer C, Puzik A, Reinhardt D, Dirksen U, Sander A, Köhler M, Habermann JK, Bokemeyer C, Stein A: Comprehensive assessments and related interventions to enhance the long-term outcomes of child, adolescent and young adult cancer survivors - presentation of the CARE for CAYA-Program study protocol and associated literature review. BMC cancer 2020, 20: 16 [PMID: 31906955]
- Gebauer J, Baust K, Bardi E, Grabow D, Stein A, van der Pal HJ, Calaminus G, Langer T: Guidelines for Long-Term Follow-Up after Childhood Cancer: Practical Implications for the Daily Work. Oncology research and treatment 2020, 43: 61 [PMID: 31931503]
- Korte E, Schilling R, Balcerek M, Byrne J, Dirksen U, Herrmann G, Kepak T, Klco-Brosius S, Kruseova J, Kunstreich M, Langer T, Panasiuk A, Stefanowicz J, Strauß G, Wiegele K, Borgmann-Staudt A: Fertility-Related Wishes and Concerns of Adolescent Cancer Patients and Their Parents. Journal of adolescent and young adult oncology 2020, 9: 55 [PMID: 31621493]
- Borgmann-Staudt A, Kunstreich M, Schilling R, Balcerek M, Dirksen U, Cario H, Kepakova K, Klco-Brosius S, Korte E, Kruseova J, Lackner H, Langer T, Roslan KM, Stefanowicz J, Strauß G, Byrne J, PanCareLIFE: Fertility knowledge and associated empowerment following an educational intervention for adolescent cancer patients. Psycho-oncology 2019, 28: 2218 [PMID: 31442341]
- Schuster S, Beck JD, Calaminus G, Zehnhoff-Dinnesen AA, Langer T: Nachsorge von krebskranken Kindern, Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen-Erkennen, Vermeiden und Behandeln von Spatfolgen. Kinderkrankenschwester : Organ der Sektion Kinderkrankenpflege 2017, 36: 20 [PMID: 30388336]
- Balcerek M, Schuster T, Korte E, Seidel J, Schilling R, Hölling H, Borgmann-Staudt A: Health-Related Behaviour Among Children of Childhood Cancer Survivors in Germany - Gesundheitsverhalten von Kindern ehemaliger kinderonkologischer Patienten in Deutschland. Klin Pädiatr 2017, 229: 118 [PMID: 7975342]
- Skinner R, Mulder RL, Kremer LC, Hudson MM, Constine LS, Bardi E, Boekhout A, Borgmann-Staudt A, Brown MC, Cohn R, Dirksen U, Giwercman A, Ishiguro H, Jahnukainen K, Kenney LB, Loonen JJ, Meacham L, Neggers S, Nussey S, Petersen C, Shnorhavorian M, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, van Santen HM, Wallace WH, Green DM: Recommendations for gonadotoxicity surveillance in male childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors: a report from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group in collaboration with the PanCareSurFup Consortium. The Lancet. Oncology 2017, 18:e75-e90 [PMID: 28214419]
- Balcerek M, Schilling R, Schlack R, Borgmann-Staudt A: Nationwide Survey on the Health of Offspring from Former Childhood Cancer Patients in Germany - Studie zur Gesundheit von Nachkommen ehemaliger kinderonkologischer Patienten in Deutschland. Klin Pädiatr 2015, 227: 350 [PMID: 26600178]
- Pfitzer C, Orawa H, Balcerek M, Langer T, Dirksen U, Keslova P, Zubarovskaya N, Schuster FR, Jarisch A, Strauss G, Borgmann-Staudt A: Dynamics of fertility impairment and recovery after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in childhood and adolescence: results from a longitudinal study. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 2015, 141: 135 [PMID: 25081929]
- Schlitt A, Jordan K, Vordermark D, Schwamborn JR, Langer T, Thomssen C: Cardiotoxicity and oncological treatments. Deutsches Arzteblatt international 2014 Mar 7; 111: 161 [PMID: 24666651]
- Pfitzer C, Chen CM, Wessel T, Keil T, Sörgel A, Langer T, Steinmann D, Borgmann-Staudt A: Dynamics of fertility impairment in childhood brain tumour survivors. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 2014t; 140: 1759 [PMID: 24841737]
- Reinmuth S, Hohmann C, Rendtorff R, Balcerek M, Holzhausen S, Müller A, Henze G, Keil T, Borgmann-Staudt A: Impact of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in childhood on fertility in adulthood: the FeCt-survey of childhood cancer survivors in Germany. Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 2013, 139: 2071 [PMID: 24085598]
- Koustenis E, Pfitzer C, Balcerek M, Reinmuth S, Zynda A, Stromberger C, Hohmann C, Keil T, Borgmann-Staudt A: Impact of cranial irradiation and brain tumor location on fertility: a survey. Klinische Padiatrie 2013, 225: 320 [PMID: 24158886]
- Pfitzer C, Zynda A, Hohmann C, Keil T, Borgmann-Staudt A: Educational level of childhood brain tumor survivors: results from a German survey. Klinische Padiatrie 2013, 225: 138 [PMID: 23599232]
- Langer T, Am Zehnhoff-Dinnesen A, Radtke S, Meitert J, Zolk O: Understanding platinum-induced ototoxicity. Trends in pharmacological sciences 2013, 34: 458 [PMID: 23769626]
- Wenninger K, Helmes A, Bengel J, Lauten M, Völkel S, Niemeyer CM: Coping in long-term survivors of childhood cancer: relations to psychological distress. Psycho-oncology 2013, 22: 854 [PMID: 22461240]
- Wessel T, Balcerek M, Reinmuth S, Hohmann C, Keil T, Henze G, Borgmann-Staudt A: Age at menarche in childhood cancer survivors: results of a nationwide survey in Germany. Hormone research in paediatrics 2012, 77: 108 [PMID: 22441660]
- Rendtorff R, Beyer M, Müller A, Dittrich R, Hohmann C, Keil T, Henze G, Borgmann A: Low inhibin B levels alone are not a reliable marker of dysfunctional spermatogenesis in childhood cancer survivors. Andrologia 2012, 44 Suppl 1: 219 [PMID: 21726269]
- Zynda A, Reinmuth S, Pfitzer C, Hohmann C, Keil T, Borgmann-Staudt A: Childhood leukemia and its impact on graduation and having children: results from a national survey. Leukemia & lymphoma 2012, 53: 2419 [PMID: 22667337]
- Balcerek M, Reinmuth S, Hohmann C, Keil T, Borgmann-Staudt A: Suspected infertility after treatment for leukemia an solid tumors in childhood and adolescence. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2012, 109 [PMID: 22427790]
- Paulides M, Stöhr W, Laws HJ, Graf N, Lakomek M, Berthold F, Schmitt K, Niggli F, Jürgens H, Bielack S, Koscielniak E, Klingebiel T, Langer T: Antibody levels against tetanus and diphtheria after polychemotherapy for childhood sarcoma: a report from the Late Effects Surveillance System. Vaccine 2011, 11; 29: 1565 [PMID: 21219980]
- Paulides M, Stöhr W, Laws HJ, Graf N, Lakomek M, Berthold F, Schmitt K, Niggli F, Jürgens H, Bielack S, Koscielniak E, Klingebiel T, Langer T: Immunity against tetanus and diphtheria after childhood sarcoma treatment. Klinische Padiatrie 2010, 222: 196 [PMID: 20514629]
- Peeters J, Meitert J, Paulides M, Wiener A, Beck JD, Calaminus G, Langer T: Health-related quality of life (HRQL) in all-patients treated with chemotherapy only: a report from the late effects surveillance system in Germany. Klinische Padiatrie 2009, 221: 156 [PMID: 19437363]
- Peeters J, Meitert J, Paulides M, Beck JD, Langer T: Late effects surveillance system after childhood cancer in Germany, austria and parts of Switzerland--update 2009. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2009, 185 Suppl 2: 5 [PMID: 19685025]
- Reinmuth S, Liebeskind AK, Wickmann L, Bockelbrink A, Keil T, Henze G, Borgmann A: Having children after surviving cancer in childhood or adolescence - results of a Berlin survey. Klinische Padiatrie 2008, 220: 159 [PMID: 18478488]
- Langer T, Stöhr W, Paulides M, Kremers A, Dorr HG, Göbel U, Beck JD: Prospective multicenter registration of major late sequelae in sarcoma patients using the Late Effects Surveillance System (LESS). Klinische Pädiatrie 2005, 217: 176 [PMID: 15858710]
- Langer T, Dörr HG, Bielack S, Jürgens H, Göbel U, Willich N and Beck JD: Spätfolgen in der Nachsorge von krebskranken Kindern und Jugendlichen. Der Onkologe 2005, 11: 1101 [DOI: 10.1007/s00761-005-0933-2]
- Stohr W, Paulides M, Brecht I, Kremers A, Treuner J, Langer T, Beck JD: Comparison of epirubicin and doxorubicin cardiotoxicity in children and adolescents treated within the German Cooperative Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study (CWS). Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology 2006, 132: 35 [PMID: 16205946]
- Paulides M, Stöhr W, Bielack S, Jürgens H, Treuner J, Schuck A, Willich N, Sauer R, Dörr, HG, Rascher W, Langer T, Beck, JD: Major sequelae of antineoplastic therapy prospectively evaluated in 162 relapse-free adult sarcoma patients. Onkologie 2005, 28;S3; 56
- Burger B, Beier R, Zimmermann M, Beck JD, Reiter A, Schrappe M: Osteonecrosis: a treatment related toxicity in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)--experiences from trial ALL-BFM 95. Pediatric blood & cancer 2005, 44: 220 [PMID: 15514916]
- Gleeson HK, Shalet SM: The impact of cancer therapy on the endocrine system in survivors of childhood brain tumours. Endocrine-related cancer 2004, 11: 589 [PMID: 15613441]
Literature on long-term effects after radiotherapy / results publicated by the RiSK study group 
- Bölling T, Weege J, Eich HT, Timmermann B, Meyer FM, Rübe C, Kortmann RD, Fischedick K, Rödel C, Koch R, Willich N: Acute and late side effects to salivary glands and oral mucosa following head/neck radiotherapy in children and adolescents. Head Neck 2014 Apr 25;[Epub ahead of print] [PMID: 24764129]
- Bölling T, Geisenheiser A, Pape H, Martini C, Rübe C, Timmermann B, Fischedick K, Kortmann RD, Gerss J, Koch R, Willich N: Hypothyroidism after head-and-neck radiotherapy in children and adolescents: preliminary results of the Registry for the Evaluation of Side Effects After Radiotherapy in Childhood and Adolescence" (RiSK). International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 2011, 81:e787 [PMID: 21167655]
- Bölling T, Willich N, Ernst I: Late effects of abdominal irradiation in children: a review of the literature. Anticancer research 2010, 30: 227 [PMID: 20150640]
- Bölling T, Willich N: Long-term overall and cardiovascular mortality after childhood cancer: the problem of retrospective estimated radiation doses. Journal of clinical oncology 2010, 28:e436; author reply e437 [PMID: 20566992]
- Selo N, Bölling T, Ernst I, Pape H, Martini C, Rübe C, Timmermann B, Fischedick K, Kortmann RD, Gerss J, Koch R, Willich N: Acute toxicity profile of radiotherapy in 690 children and adolescents: RiSK data. Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 2010, 97: 119 [PMID: 20605649]
- Bölling T, Ernst I, Pape H, Martini C, Rübe C, Timmermann B, Fischedick K, Kortmann RD, Willich N: Dose-Volume Analysis of Radiation Nephropathy in Children: Preliminary Report of the RiSK Consortium. International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 2010, [PMID: 20638187]
- Willich N, Ernst I, Pape H, Rübe C, Timmermann B, Asadpour B, Kortmann RD, Bölling T: Evaluation of side effects after radiotherapy in childhood and adolescence: from retrospective case reports to a prospective, multicentric and transnational approach. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2009, 185 Suppl 2: 3 [PMID: 19685024]
- Bölling T, Ernst I, Könemann S, Willich N: Pediatric radiation oncology in Germany: a study of availability and application. Klinische Padiatrie 2008, 220: 178 [PMID: 18478491]
- Bölling T, Könemann S, Ernst I, Willich N: Late effects of thoracic irradiation in children. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2008, 184: 289 [PMID: 18535803]
- Boelling T, Schuck A, Pape H, Rube C, Pollinger B, Timmermann B, Kortmann RD, Dieckmann K, Willich N: Study protocol of the German . Radiation oncology 2008, 3: 10 [PMID: 18426567]
- Bölling T, Schuck A, Paulussen M, Dirksen U, Ranft A, Könemann S, Dunst J, Willich N, Jürgens H: Whole lung irradiation in patients with exclusively pulmonary metastases of Ewing tumors. Toxicity analysis and treatment results of the EICESS-92 trial. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2008, 184: 193 [PMID: 18398583]
- Bölling T, Schuck A, Pape H, Rübe C, Meyer FM, Martini C, Timmermann B, Asadpour B, Kortmann RD, Beck JD, Langer T, Paulides M, Könemann S, Willich N: [Register for the evaluation of side effects after radiation in childhood and adolescence--first results]. Klinische Padiatrie 2007, 219: 139 [PMID: 17525907]
- Bölling T, Schuck A, Pape H, Rübe C, Meyer FM, Martini C, Timmermann B, Asadpour B, Kortmann RD, Beck JD, Langer T, Paulides M, Willich N: German register for detection of late sequelae after radiotherapy for children and adolescents (RiSK): present status and first results. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2007, 183 Spec No 2: 7 [PMID: 18166996]
- Bölling T, Schuck A, Rübe C, Hesselmann S, Pape H, Dieckmann K, Pöllinger B, Kortmann RD, Speiser-Held I, Meyer FM, Martini C, Asadpour B, Timmermann B, Beck JD, Langer T, Paulides M, Schmidt B, Willich N: [Therapy-associated late effects after irradiation of malignant diseases in childhood and adolescence. Feasibility analyses of a prospective multicenter register study]. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2006, 182: 443 [PMID: 16896590]
- Schuck A, Hamelmann V, Brämswig JH, Könemann S, Rübe C, Hesselmann S, Riesenbeck D, Horst E, Bölling T, Paulussen M, Jürgens H, Willich N: Ovarian function following pelvic irradiation in prepubertal and pubertal girls and young adult women. Strahlentherapie und Onkologie 2005, 181: 534 [PMID: 16044222]
- Bölling T, Schuck A, Willich N: RiSK – Register zur Erfassung strahlentherapiebedingter Spätfolgen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen. WIR - DLFH - Dachverband - Aktion für krebskranke Kinder e.V 2005, 4 [URI: fileadmin/ KKS/ files/ zeitschriftWIR/ 2005_4/ risk.pdf]