COSS Registry

Author:  Julia Dobke, Last modification: 2024/10/23

COSS Registry Registry for children, adolescents and adults with osteosarcoma and biologically related bone sarcomas (COSS registry)
Disease Osteosarcomas and biologically related bone sarcomas of all body regions
Type Non-interventional, multicentre, international, clinical and epidemiological research registry
Rationale / Objectives

The registry is intended to prospectively record socio-demographic and clinical-diagnostic data as well as the course of the disease, treatment and treatment outcome of included patients with osteosarcoma or other defined bone sarcomas over the long-term. The objectives of the COSS-registry are based on the objectives of the epidemiological and clinical state cancer registries.
Furthermore, the COSS-registry has the task of continuously processing data on the occurrence and progression of cancers, including their early stages, and making the collected data available for scientific cancer research.

  • Obtaining information on diagnosis, treatment and disease progression of osteosarcomas and other defined rare bone tumour diseases
  • Gaining knowledge about patient characteristics and prognosis of the disease
  • Research into the causes of the disease and identification of (influencing) risk factors
  • Expansion of the database for clinical and translational research on these entities as a platform for information transfer and further development of a network for interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Long-term tracking of disease progression in collaboration with specific research groups
  • Mapping the reality of care and its changes
  • Use as a recruitment framework (sampling frame) for clinical phase II, phase III or therapy optimisation studies
Therapy / Study arms

The COSS-register is purely a collection of data. No diagnosis, treatment or follow-up recommendations are made in the course of this project.
Participation in the COSS-register has no influence on treatment decisions. The prescription and modalities of treatment as well as the decision to discontinue or change treatment are made solely on the basis of medical indication and only by the treating physician / centre.
Recommendations on how the disease should be diagnosed and treated can be found in the latest versions of the ESCP- Guideline and the COSS-Guideline.

Inclusion Criteria

All patients, regardless of gender, age, tumour stage / spread or current / already completed / future study participation, with pathologically and anatomically proven diagnosis of one of the following tumours: Highly malignant osteosarcoma of any subtype: Conventional, osteoblastic (incl. sclerosing), chondroblastic, fibroblastic, giant cell rich, osteoblastoma-like
epithelioid, clear cell, chondroblastoma-like, Nicht-konventionell, teleangiektatisch, kleinzellig, Non-conventional, telangiectatic,
small cell, high grade surface
Special forms: parosteal, periosteal, extraosseous
Low-malignant osteosarcoma (low grade central)
Other bone sarcomas osseous undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS), osseous leiomyosarcoma, osseous dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma, osseous mesenchymal chondrosarcoma, osseous fibrosarcoma, osseous angiosarcoma
Patient registrations are made by clinics or treatment centres based in Germany

Recruitment umlimited
Status Recruiting since 21.04.2023
Principal Investigator Dr. med. Stefanie Hecker-Nolting


Stefanie Hecker-Nolting Klinikum Stuttgart - Olgahospital Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, Pädiatrie 5, (onkologie, Hämatologie, Immunologie) Kriegsbergstr. 62 70174 Stuttgart Telefon +49 (711) 278 73881 / 72754 Fax +49 (711) 278 73882 coss@klinikum-stuttgart