Author:  D. Sturm, Last modification: 2024/07/03

MNP Int R Molecular Data Generation and Clinical Follow-up within the International Molecular Neuropathology Registry
Disease Primary Central nervous system(CNS) tumour
Type Molecular Data Generation and Clinical Follow-up within the International Molecular Neuropathology Registry
Rationale / Objectives

The constantly growing diversity of CNS tumour types in childhood and adolescence is reflected in extremely different courses of disease and the rarity of individual tumour types and their varying appearances often make diagnosis difficult. However, the correct classification of CNS tumours is of paramount importance for the selection of the optimal treatment strategy for each patient. In order to increase diagnostic accuracy and thus support accurate classification, MNP Int R uses molecular genetic analysis methods to examine CNS tumours at the time of initial diagnosis.

Primäre Ziele

  • Establishment of comprehensive molecular diagnostics
  • Establishment of an international register for molecular diagnostic data
  • Integration of neuropathological reference diagnosis, radiological reference findings and molecular genetic results in a multi-layered diagnosis
  • Further development of DNA methylation-based CNS tumour classification
  • Correlation of molecular diagnostic parameters with clinical courses of disease
  • Analysing the collected data
  • Provision of data and assistance in the interpretation of molecular genetic information for clinicians, patients and their parents, as well as scientists
Therapy / Study arms

If not already performed as part of local or neuropathological reference diagnostics, CNS tumours are examined as part of MNP Int R using the latest molecular genetic analysis methods (NGS-based gene panel sequencing and DNA methylation analysis), irrespective of the diagnosis. The results of the DNA methylation-based CNS tumour classification and relevant genetic changes are transmitted to the treating physicians. Whether and in what form these are used for therapy decisions is the responsibility of the treating physicians. Information on a possible hereditary component of the tumour disease obtained from incidental findings is only reported back at the request of the patient or their parents.
Registration is carried out via the relevant neuropathological reference centres using specific registration forms (see URL).

Inclusion Criteria
  • Primary diagnosis of a CNS tumour
  • Patient age between 0 and 21 years
  • Informed consent by patients ≥ 18 years (with the capacity for consent) or by parents (for patients under 18 years)

If the inclusion criteria are met, patients with low-grade gliomas should be included in the LOGGIC-Core-BioClinical Data Bank and the HIT-LOGGIC registry.
If the inclusion criteria are met (e.g. high-grade gliomas, rare embryonal or sarcomatous CNS tumours), patients should be included in the INFORM registry.

Exclusion Criteria
  • Patient age > 21 years
  • Recurrent CNS tumors
  • Metastases of CNS tumors (apart from those biopsied at original diagnosis)
  • Insufficient or non-representative tumor tissue
  • Inclusion in INFORM-Registry
  • Inclusion in LOGGIC-Core
Recruitment unlimited
Status Start: 01.04.2015 (MNP 2.0), since 01.01.2020 continuation as an international registry MNP Register (MNP Int R)
Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. med. S. Pfister

Principal Investigators:
Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfister
Studienleiter MNP Int-R
Direktor: Präklinische Pädiatrische Onkologie Hopp-Kindertumorzentrum Heidelberg (KiTZ)
Abteilungsleiter Pädiatrische Neuroonkologie (DKFZ)
Stellvertretender Sektionsleiter KiTZ Clinical Trail Unit und Pädiatrische Hirntumore
Klinik für Pädiatrische Onkologie, Hämatologie, Immunologie und Pneumologie, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg (UKHD)

David T. W. Jones, Ph.D.
Leiter Pädiatrische Gliomforschung (DKFZ)
Hopp-Kindertumorzentrum Heidelberg (KiTZ)

Prof. Dr. Dr. Felix Sahm
Hopp-Kindertumorzentrum Heidelberg (KiTZ)
Leiter Molekulare Diagnostik der Abteilung Neuropathologie des Universitätsklinikums Heidelberg (UKHD)

Dr. Dominik Sturm
Pädiatrische Gliomforschung (DKFZ)
Hopp-Kindertumorzentrum Heidelberg (KiTZ)
Klinik für Pädiatrische Onkologie, Hämatologie, Immunologie und Pneumologie, Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg (UKHD)

Dr. Stefan Hamelmann
Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Abteilung Neuropathologie
Im Neuenheimer Feld 224
69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: 06221/56-34570

Participants Germany, Switzerland, Australia
Sponsoring Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung